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Become a Member

Why join the Rotary Club of Frankston Peninsula 2.0….

because we are a fun group of people who want to help others!

Our club is a little different to traditional Rotary Clubs and we pride ourselves on attracting a group of inter-generational people who are wanting to be involved in their local community but don’t have a whole lot of time.

If you are community minded, live or work in and around Frankston and the Mornington Peninsula, and have a soft spot for friends, charity and enlightenment – contact us and ask about coming along to one of our meetings?

We’d love you to drop in and see what we do a few times before making a decision to join.  No strings attached.

WHEN WE MEET:  First, Second & Third Tuesday night, Fourth Tuesday is our social night

WHERE WE MEET: Frankston Yacht Club, Frankston VIC 3199; 7.15pm for 7.30pm start (finishes 8.30- 9.00pm)


The Process to becoming a member:

  1. Attend at least four club meetings to get a feel for the club.
  2. Complete the Membership Application Form and submit to the membership officer or to our Secretary (this is submitted to the board for acceptance)
  3. We also ask that members complete a Working with Children Check to assist the organisation of projects and events that involve children. This is free for volunteer organisations and can be done online or forms can be collected from a post office.
  4. Our Board will review your application
  5. The Club President will meet with you for a chat and answer any questions you might have, and discuss what is involved with becoming our newest member
  6. The Treasurer will discuss dues and provide an invoice for the pro rata amount
  7. Be inducted during a meeting by the President and receive the new member induction pack

For any questions please feel free to contact the club’s Membership officer,  President or Secretary or at a club meeting.

How much time is required?

Members make their time available to Rotary according to their lifestyle and the changing demands of family and work commitments.  Rotary as an organisation recognises the need for members to place family and employment ahead of volunteer activities and expects that each Rotarian will prioritise their time appropriately.

Teamwork is essential to achieve the club’s goals and therefore members need to spend time together regularly to get to know each other well. Members are encouraged to attend meetings and club events as often as possible and to average at least 50% attendance over a six month period.
We all get too busy at times but when the demands on our time diminish, then we can enjoy club meetings again and make our time available for teamwork.

There is a fee to become a member of Rotary International.  These fees cover administration fees from Rotary International and our Rotary District 9820, Rotary Insurance and subscription to Rotary Down Under magazine for members.

Our fees are the exact amount Rotary requires, and therefore are the lowest possible fees a club can have.

Full year membership – $250 per individual and $460 per couple
(Due in July of each year, or at the point of joining, Pro-rata )

Membership Application Form

Contact us for further information:

District 9820

Rotary Frankston Peninsula 2.0: a new version of Rotary

$250  | $460

individuals | couples


You! Join other community minded people who just want to do good things in our community

Area of Focus:

Mental Health

Contact Us

trudy poole
Rotary Frankston Peninsula 2.0