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Duck Derby 2025

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Join us for our Duck Derby at The Waterfront Festival

See if your Duck can be the winner.

Corporate Duck race open to local businesses with prizes for race Winner and Best Decorated Duck. For more information on this, contact


Did you know that the way ducks have adapted to get some good shut-eye while still keeping a look out for potential danger? 

Ducks close one eye in order to put half their brain to sleep while keeping the other eye open and the other half of their brain awake and alert! Mesmerising stuff!


At Frankston Promenade on February 7th and 8th is The Waterfront Festival and again in 2025 there is a real crowd pleaser! 

Rotary Peninsula 2.0 will be hosting the Kananook Duck Derby, Sponsored by Harbour Frankston, the proceeds will support local community organisations including providing access to Frankston’s beach to the disabled. 

On Saturday 8th February at 1:00 pm, the Rotary Peninsula 2.0 Club with the help of Interactors from Frankston High School will be releasing 1200 numbered rubber duckies into Kananook Creek from the footbridge at the end of Playne Street Frankston and they will race to a collection point near Frankston Boat Hire near Davey Street. Some may go swimmingly and others might go upside down and float upstream being less aerodynamic; who knows! However, it will be worth checking out the place-getters as there are some seriously great prizes! 

First duck to be scooped from the line will win a $1000 Karingal Hub shopping voucher. 

The second and third ducks scooped will receive $200 and $100 Village Movie (Karingal) Vouchers and we have additional prizes donated by our fabulous Frankston coffee shops and restaurants.

All you have to do to take part in this spectacular spectacle is to click on “Buy Ticket Here”  and purchase a Lucky Duck entry number for $10. This means your duck will be racing and be eligible for a prize. We will have a podium presentation after the race to present the wonderful prizes. A limited number of tickets will be available on the day so make sure you secure a berth prior to the event. 


This year Rotary Peninsula 2.0  will be running a Corporate Duck race. Open to local businesses, they will be given a duck to decorate and advertise their business. There will be prizes for race Winner and Best Decorated Duck, chosen by members of the public at the Festival on the day.

We will have a podium presentation after the races to present the wonderful prizes.

For more information, contact

Join us on Saturday 8th  February,  vote for the Best Decorated Corporate Duck and watch the races along the banks of the creek.

We hope to see you there watching the race along the banks of the creek. You will know who your local Rotarians are as they will be the ones with the cute duck hats on!! If you are interested in being an active participator in Local, National and Global Community causes, consider joining Rotary. Just speak to any of the current members, even if they might look quackers!!00

NOTE: If for any reason we cannot complete the Duck Derby due to wind or other matters outside of our control we reserve the right to place all the Ducks in a suitable container and have someone draw the first 10 ducks out.

Last Years Funds to Supported Beach Access for Disabled

WHEN WE MEET:  First, Second & Third Tuesday night, Fourth Tuesday is our social night

WHERE WE MEET: 1 Long Island Dr, Frankston VIC 3199; 7.15pm for 7.30pm start (finishes 8.30- 9.00pm)


About the prizes and winner selection:

How much?

Tickets are $10 each

Available online or on the day at The Waterfront Festival.

How it works..
Ducks will be dropped into the Creek, each has a number on the bottom.  There will be a finish line “boom” in the water and prizes awarded in order of Duck reaching the line.

Other Information
Ducks will free float with the current but may be manually dislodged if stuck on creek weeds or similar.

Get your Duck Number here.

Contact us for further information:

Thank you to our Sponsors

Rotary Peninsula 2.0 wishes to thank all of the local businesses who have donated prizes for the Duck Derby, including:
Corporate Duck Race first prize is provided by Holy Moley.

Urban DC who donated the 1st prize of a $1,000 shopping spree at Karingal Shopping Centre

Village Cinema, Karingal – 2nd prize $200 voucher

3rd prize $100 voucher

Also Vouchers from local coffee shops and restaurants

District 9820

Rotary Peninsula 2.0

a new version of Rotary




Frankston Community Oganisations

Area of Focus:

Local Community